Enlightening Encounters
Her Immeasurable Empathy and Love for Humanity
Asked once by a journalist in England, “Have you had any disappointments?” Shri Mataji replied “I have neither had any appointments or disappointments!” The laughter which followed characterised many conversations with Shri Mataji, which could be humorous, unusual, and often take a surprising turn.
Shri Mataji had a capacity to reveal connections between topics which most people would not have seen before, and this made her talks and stories engaging, enchanting and memorable. Shri Mataji delivered thousands of such talks, always instructive, always enlightening. Her extended passport was nearly an inch thick, and bore the stamp of the many places she visited as she traversed the globe with one enduring intention, to reach as many people as possible and deliver Self-Realization.
She did indeed meet thousands of people, but not in a series of brief hellos and goodbyes. Tuning into the person in front of her, whether worldly-wise and accomplished or a humble villager, Shri Mataji would delve deep into a person’s being, because for her everyone mattered, everyone had potential.
It was this potential which inspired Shri Mataji to do her work. Each person’s capacity to become the Spirit, to become connected, to achieve Self Realization. Some people recognized Shri Mataji, some simply didn’t. It depended on the state of the individual and where they were placed within themselves rather than who she was. Some people saw her, perceived her, drew closer, others turned away…
And who was Shri Mataji? What was Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji was a Guru. And what is a Guru? – The word guru has a very specific meaning: Gu = ignorance. Ru = dispeller. Hence a Guru should be able to bring about the removal of spiritual ignorance and illusion which engulfs the human condition.
For those who did draw closer, many sensed Shri Mataji was the real deal, the complete package, the axis mundi. A Divine Mother. Somehow, she had an ability, an innate capacity to help people work on and solve their own problems. Her magic was like that of a loving gardener germinating the seeds that would result in the blossoming and fruition of an individual.
“Wisdom is radiant and unfading
And she is easily discerned by those who love her,
And is found by those who seek her.
She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.
… she goes about seeking those worthy of her,
And she graciously appears to them in their paths.”
The wisdom of Solomon ch 6 v12-17
Yet her message was firm: ‘Become your own Guru, become the Spirit’, and that sometimes turned out to be a little more difficult. It required determination and discipline.
A weak and scattered attention, confusion, laziness, low self-esteem, and countless other problems would hamper each individual’s ability and determination to work on themselves, to look after themselves, to realize their potential completely.
In this process, as a Guru, Shri Mataji could be fierce like a tiger, awesome to behold, and yet as a mother she could be gentle, patient, a comforter. In a motherly way she would endeavor to inspire and elevate individuals; even when she saw them flounder, she was ready to reach out and steer them on their course again.
When you were in her attention it felt like you were in the hands of evolution itself. Her smile would act to comfort and redeem. Her voice would offer succor and counsel. The choice always remained in the heart of the individual, whether or not to heed her words. With varying levels of understanding, everyone experienced Shri Mataji uniquely.
Her delicacy in handling people was immense. With razor-like precision she could rapidly tune into a situation, her attention penetrating through, to hear what was being said and also what was not being said.
Her laughter was infectious, her witnessing power awesome, and her enjoyment of life’s ups and downs liberating. People´s recollections of Shri Mataji all echo the same sentiment; a sense of privilege, good fortune or divine luck that somehow, they had come across Shri Mataji and her teachings.
Shri Mataji’s message of insight and wisdom remains constant and the same, as she said:
“I bow to all the seekers of truth”
“You are the Spirit”
“Within you resides a power”
“Become your own guru”
“You can achieve your Self Realization. You can feel a cool breeze on the palms of your hands and above your head”.
The essential message never changed. The only question being, how many would hear the message and take up the opportunity to discover one´s true self?
Shri Mataji´s legacy remains in those who heard her message, took her gift to heart and enjoy and spread Sahaja Yoga.
Her essence is felt in the cool breeze in our hands and above our heads. Her grace gently softens our hearts, and divine love echoes through our beings.