How to Meditate

How to Meditate

Establishing a Daily Routine

[su_quote] In Sahaja Yoga you don’t have to do meditation. You are in meditation. You become meditative. [/su_quote]

Once you have received your self-realization through the awakening of your Kundalini you need to nurture this experience to keep it up and deepen it, just as you would nurture a sprouting seed using sun and water. The single most important way to do this is to meditate regularly. Meditation is more a state than an activity, but there are a few simple steps we can take to establish a setting and a routine that is conducive to deepening that meditative state.

First of all, find a place where you feel comfortable and are undisturbed. You can sit on the floor or on a chair, whatever is easiest for you. Place your hands on your lap with the palms upwards. Calm down, relax and bring the attention inwards, try to observe what is going on inside. Watch your thoughts and let them slow down. Then desire the state of silence and bliss that meditation can bring and which you touched upon during the first practical meditation exercise when you experienced your self-realization. Desire is the first technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation and is what will bring you a step deeper in your meditative state each time you bring your attention inward.

A second technique, once you are calm, is to gently bring your attention to your fontanel bone at the top of your head. This is the Sahasrara Chakra where the Kundalini exits the head after enlightening the limbic system. This is the realm that is above our thought process and where we are connected to the collective unconscious. You can also place the center of your palm on your fontanel bone area, push back the fingers and press down on your scalp a little whilst making circular movements. This is similar to the last step you took during the exercise to get your realization. This helps bring the attention into the last Chakra and establish the connection.

Now give yourself some time for the meditative state to set in. Observe yourself, the movements of the Kundalini, the deepening of your attention, the peace and calm that sets in as thoughts reduce and the growing feeling of joy. As a living process, meditation takes its own course and the Kundalini will bring light on new and beautiful aspects of yourself. Though the subtle system of Chakras and Nadis is the same in each of us, each person has their own personal experience and spiritual path – follow that path as a journey of self-discovery.

Towards the end of your meditation, you can put your hand a few centimeters above your head to see if you feel a cool or warm breeze. Once you have more practice you can keep the attention on your Sahasrara Chakra during the day as well. The energy that awakens the Kundalini emanates from Shri Mataji, so placing a picture of Shri Mataji in front of you when you meditate will help strengthen your Kundalini awakening and deepen your meditation. You can download and print the picture under this link if you wish.

It also helps to use the elements: You can place a candle in front of Shri Mataji’s picture for the element of fire and light. The fragrance of incense represents the earth element. Music that is balanced and soothing (most forms of classical music both Eastern and Western) can help to you become calm, but be sure to spend some time in silence with the attention within.

[su_quote] In meditation you become thoughtlessly aware. In thoughtless awareness you start growing. That is a state which has to be achieved. [/su_quote]

As with any living process your meditative experience will take its natural course as you practice Sahaja Yoga. The routine we describe here will provide the setting for that process to happen. Regular meditation will help you to strengthen your Kundalini, deepen your meditative state and experience the joy of your inner self.

Ideally you can take time to meditate in the morning and evening. After a few weeks you should feel the results and the benefits. There is no clear rule on how long you should meditate – some practitioners meditate for 10 minutes, others for over an hour, and this may be different from one day to another. What is important is that you experience the meditative state. As a good starting routine, we would recommend at least 10-15 minutes to allow the Kundalini to strengthen your subtle system and to let the meditative state settle in.

You can use the Meditation & Balancing Guide sheet, to get into a daily meditation routine.

Getting your realization is the first step of a spiritual journey and each meditation is a step on the way – we wish you well as you set out on your path of self-discovery.
