Nabhi Chakra

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Nabhi Chakra

Contentment, Evolution, Wellbeing

As we grow up and move from the familiar conditionings of our childhood and upbringing to the realities of living, we are faced with the challenges which this game of life throws at us. However we have a set of ethical codes which give us firm guidance on how to behave and interact with society at large in a dignified and positive manner.

The third awareness center gives us an innate sense of ethical behavior. This inbuilt code of conduct has been expressed down the ages through the life and works of many saints, visionaries and prophets such as Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, and many others. This center also gives us a sense of satisfaction with life and the ability to feel the joy of sharing with others.

Also, surrounding the second and the third Chakra is the Void. This spiritually symbolizes the gap in our human awareness from divine awareness and stands for the principle of mastery within us. In Sahaja Yoga we develop the ability to become our own master, based on the enlightened spiritual awareness of our subtle system which we feel both within our body and on our fingertips.

Our Nabhi Chakra is located within our spine, approximately parallel to our navel. On a physical level it influences the activities of the solar plexus. The vibrations of the Nabhi Chakra can be felt in our middle fingers on both hands.  The function of our abdominal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, and bowels) is regulated by the Nabhi and Swadhisthan Chakras along with the Void. These three subtle centers work as an integrated unit in ensuring a harmonious physiologic environment in our body.

The Nabhi Chakra is represented by the color green. It is aligned with the essential element of water.

Nabhi Chakra qualities include:
• Generosity
• Nurturing
• Contentment / satisfaction
• Peace
• Joy
• Balance
• Righteousness (or dharma)
• Honesty
• Pure attention
• Dignity
• Evolution

The Nabhi Chakra imparts several fundamental qualities, including generosity and the capacity to evolve. It is through our Nabhi Chakra that we experience a desire to grow, improve and achieve our goals. It influences every "seeking" action within our life, from the fundamental quest for food and water to our quest for peace and spirituality. Because of this Chakra, we have the capacity to evolve progressively to a higher stage of life.

Another key quality of the Nabhi Chakra is contentment (or satisfaction). It is through our Nabhi Chakra that we are able to establish an ideal balance between across all areas of our life (including family, work and spirituality). Shri Mataji revealed that a key aspect of the left Nabhi Chakra that imparts the qualities of care, nurturing and affection is often found in loving wives and mothers helping them to care for their families.

Experience and Benefits:
The most important physiological function of your Nabhi Chakra is regulating many of your internal organs. The left Nabhi regulates the pancreas and spleen. Your central Nabhi regulates your stomach and intestines. Your right Nabhi regulates your liver and gall bladder. Your liver's role in meditation cannot be overemphasized. It's vital to achieving a state of perfect thoughtless awareness and attention. Because we tend to live stressful lives, our livers are prone to overheating and exhaustion. Practicing Sahaja Yoga will help you balance and protect this essential organ.

The Nabhi Chakra also plays an important role in proper digestion and metabolism. Over indulgence in food affects your Nabhi Chakra. Good, nutritional food eaten at regular intervals helps keep the Nabhi Chakra balanced.

The Nabhi Chakra is essential to your family life as well. As you energize and balance it through meditation, you may find yourself with renewed strength to face familial responsibilities. You may even find yourself enjoying duties you used to avoid.

Achieving prosperity is a necessary step in your evolution. Your Nabhi Chakra is at the core of your financial welfare. It will help you fulfill your essential needs and desires. You have been born with all the intellectual and physical talents necessary to allow you to earn the money that will fulfill those needs. A strong Nabhi Chakra means that once your financial needs are fulfilled, you will start focusing on your spiritual prosperity.

If your left Nabhi becomes blocked or imbalanced, you may notice an increase in difficulties involving your family and household. You may also experience concerns about money. If you have a blockage of your center Nabhi, you may experience minor problems or imbalance with your digestion or metabolism.  When there is an imbalance of the right Nabhi, you may find yourself prone to worry and anxiety. You may also feel a reluctance to give, and lack generosity. Fortunately, the practice of Sahaja Yoga will help you balance and restore the energy of this vital Chakra.

Reasons for Imbalances:

  • Excessive worrying, stress and unbalanced family relationships. • Obsession with work, drug and alcohol abuse, fanaticism of any kind

How to Balance:
Balancing your right Nabhi Chakra is quite simple. Just hold your right hand, palm facing inward, a few inches in front of the location of your Nabhi Chakra. When you feel the energy flowing through your hand, rotate it in a clockwise direction around the Chakra. Repeat several times. You can also balance your right Nabhi by placing an ice pack on your right side, over your liver. To balance your left Nabhi Chakra, soak your feet in a tub of warm water as you perform your usual meditation.
