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The Divine Cool Breeze of the Unconscious

[su_quote]Every day we see seeds sprouting, flowers blooming, fruits ripening, but we do not want to think how it happens. There is a power that does this work, it is the all-pervading power of Divine Love. Now the time has come to feel this power through the instrument within us. This instrument has no use unless it is connected to the mains. We do not know our potential, our beauty, but once this connection with the mains is established, we will be surprised at the dynamic results.[/su_quote]

There are many names in different cultures for this universal power of God's love: Pneuma (Greek), Ruach (Hebrew), Assas (Arabic), Tao (Chinese), wind of the holy Spirit, water of life. However, they all mean the same thing, a loving, intelligent, all-encompassing energy of creation. Consciousness and energy are the primary factors. Everything else is secondary. This causal energy permeates the entire cosmos. Shri Mataji calls this all-pervading energy "Paramchaitanya".

This all-pervading energy is felt as a cool breeze or "vibrations" after self-realization, especially above the crown of the head and on the palms of the hands. In meditation, as our Kundalini rises through the different Chakras, we can feel it within our spine at the different locations of each Chakra and sometimes also on the specific fingers corresponding to the Chakras. These vibrations not only give us a complete picture of reality, but also work out the whole situation that is benevolent to us, our fellow human beings and all of nature that surrounds us.

Many practicing Sahaja Yogis were amazed at the precision and effectiveness of these vibrations of divine love that completely envelope us and guides us in our day-to-day life without interfering with our free will. A simple analogy is of an all-pervasive internet medium which enables us to solve so many problems we face in our daily life without the need to have an expert knowledge in any specific sphere of life. Just like the internet we only need to be properly connected to this all-pervading power which we can easily achieve in our daily meditation.

[su_quote]For Sahaja Yogis now, it is very easy to find out if something is real or unreal, it is truth or untruth, it is love or hatred. Only through vibrations you can know. But going beyond that, one has to know what are these vibrations, and what are they made of. What is the subtle force that is behind those vibrations? We call it Paramchaitanya.[/su_quote]
