Pingala Nadi
Actions & Intelligence
Our right energy channel (called Pingala Nadi in Sanskrit), also known as the sun channel, begins at the second energy center (Swadhisthan Chakra) and spirals up the right side of our body, culminating like a balloon along the left hemisphere of our brain.
Shri Mataji describes this balloon as the psychic expression of the ego. The ego gives us a sense of individualism and self, as distinct from others. It is the ego that allows us to relate to ourself as "me" or "I."
[su_quote]...this tension comes to us because we work too much on the right side, as you see there, this yellow line...that develops onto another horrible thing called as ego: that we feel we are doing it. There's nothing wrong, it's nothing wrong, because ignorance gives you that idea that "I am doing this work.[/su_quote]
Action and planning are essential qualities associated with the right energy channel. These aspects also manifest as neural connections in the left hemisphere of the brain. They drive our mental and physical activities. However, the demand for energy on the right side can sometimes be so great that the left side is weakened. When this occurs, our desire for joy may evaporate, and we may find ourself grouchy and irritable. We may even feel like yelling at everyone or "flying off the handle" when the slightest thing goes wrong. As a result, the negative energies, stress and aggression continue to build up. We often encounter stressful environments at our workplace, schools and other public places. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain a peaceful, nurturing home where such stressful situations persist chronically over a long period of time.
Fortunately, awareness is the first step to correcting such imbalances in our right side. Meditation, and accessing our Kundalini energy to restore harmony, peace and joy allows us very easily to find a natural state of balance.
In summary, our right energy channel influences our ability to plan and act for the future. It also plays a role in negative emotions such as anger, irritability and stress. Our right channel gives us the ability to think in terms of "I", "my" and "me". When we overdo any of these notions, we make ourselves uncomfortable for others in our presence. Through meditation, however, we can recognize when our energy in the right channel is too high and when it is time to cool down and come back into balance.
Shri Mataji has recommended very simple techniques that are easy, safe and by which we can bring our right side into balance.