Sushumna Nadi
Balance & Evolution
Our central energy channel (Sushumna Nadi in Sanskrit) is also called the central path, It originates from the sacrum bone at the at the base of our spine (where our Kundalini energy is located) and merges into the Sahasrara Chakra at the fontanel on the top of the head.
Our central energy channel supports our spiritual growth. This channel is highly developed in realized souls and also in those who follow a righteous path and adhere to virtues. The activation of Sushumna Nadi after self-realization manifests the beautiful qualities of Sattwa Guna (the mood of righteousness) in our awareness. This helps us to continually evolve with an increased focus on the subtler aspects of life.
Our entire subtle system is integrated in the Sahasrara Chakra. As such, it is the most important Chakra for our spiritual growth and meditation. It is also the Chakra in which our Kundalini has the greatest ability to unfold and manifest higher states of awareness. Clearing obstructions in the central energy channel is a critical component of Sahaja Yoga meditation. It is easy to maintain a state of balance, when our central channel is clear. This paves the way for our Kundalini, to rise smoothly to the Sahasrara Chakra. When this happens, our own Kundalini unites with the all-pervading divine energy, known by many names in the ancient spiritual traditions and which Shri Mataji referred to as, Paramchaitanya. The proper functioning of the Sushumna Nadi is crucial for maintaining the subtle energy balance of all the Chakras and Nadis.
Although it all may sound quite complex, Shri Mataji used very simple analogies for the common man to understand the" yoga shastra" (meaning knowledge of a discipline in Sanskrit). To summarize we can think of them in the following way. We want to use our left and right energy channels to balance our emotions, desires and actions as we live and enjoy our life. A balanced and satisfied life provides us with the opportunities to utilize our time fruitfully by focusing on the main purpose of our existence on earth, to evolve to our highest possible spiritual potential. Thus, keeping all three channels balanced and clear will give us the power to manage our life, and all its challenges, with ease. We also experience and enjoy all aspects of life in a balanced and more meaningful way.