Vishuddhi Chakra

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Vishuddhi Chakra

Communication, Self-esteem, Diplomacy

The evolution of human society has been developed and shaped over generations with the help of effective communication skills. The Vishuddhi Chakra is the center which enables us to move from our awareness as an individual to a collective awareness. It is our connection to others and helps cultivate our sensitivity to our fellow human beings. We learn to recognize the important benefit of collective benevolence rather than individual gain, and that we together we are all one.

[su_quote] Shri Krishna said it very beautifully that, "Satyam Vade, Hitam Vade, Priyam Vade". That is what is beneficial and loving to the Spirit is what has to be expressed. Maybe it is hurtful at the time, but later might become beneficial and loving. Even with all this understanding, sometimes we forget that God is love. And the truth is also love. [/su_quote]

Another great quality that unfolds in our personality with the opening of this Chakra is a sense of diplomacy. As diplomats, we master the art of communication that is charismatic, but not for some petty personal gain or for power or money, but for the greater good. Our meditative and introspective focus on this fifth center enables us to deal spontaneously and articulately with relationships of all kinds.

Our Vishuddhi Chakra is located in the neck at the back of the spine approximately at the level of our shoulders. The vibrations from the Vishuddhi Chakra can be felt in our index fingers on both hands. The left index finger is associated with the left Vishuddhi, while the right index finger is associated with the right Vishuddhi.

The Vishuddhi Chakra is represented by a light shade of blue. It is aligned with the purifying element of ether.

Vishuddhi Chakra qualities include:
• Positive relationships
• Effective communication
• Politeness
• Diplomacy
• Sense of community
• Pleasant personality

The fundamental qualities imparted by our Vishuddhi Chakra include effective communication and a sense of community. When our Vishuddhi is balanced, we feel in harmony with the rest of humanity.

Unfolding the Vishuddhi Chakra through regular meditation enables us to develop diplomatic skills and we discover a gentle and friendly way of communicating with others that comes naturally without having to attend a course on such subjects. The development of this Chakra also gives us the ability to accept shortcomings and challenges without guilt and enables us to find an appropriate, benevolent solution.

Experience and Benefits:
The Vishuddhi Chakra governs your neck, throat, arms, face, ears, mouth and teeth. It also controls your communication skills.

When your Vishuddhi Chakra is balanced, you have a balanced perspective on events in your life. Challenges can be faced with more of a tranquil sense. You feel optimistic even in overwhelming situations. The Vishuddhi Chakra allows you to recognize that external events exist outside you. As a result, you are able to witness them calmly.

A balanced Vishuddhi is essential to your growth as a spiritual being. It is also essential to the growth of positive and healthy relationships with others. Diplomacy and respect are both enhanced by the strength of this Chakra. The practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga enables you to energize and protect both the left and right sides of your Vishuddhi Chakra. You can also energize this Chakra when you speak from the heart and praise rather than criticize.

If your Vishuddhi Chakra is not balanced, you may experience a lack of self-respect and feelings of guilt. You may also experience periods of overreaction and aggressive communication.  Excessive talking or shouting can sometimes cause a block in the right Vishuddhi Chakra. Pain or infection in your ears or teeth may indicate a Vishuddhi Chakra blockage. Feelings of guilt may present themselves as sore or tense shoulders and neck. This can indicate an imbalance in your left Vishuddhi. Reoccurring colds, sinus and bronchial infections may indicate an imbalance of your right Vishuddhi.  Improper or illicit relationships may also cause imbalances in the Vishuddhi Chakra.

Reasons for Imbalances:

  • Guilt and lack of self-respect.
  • Excessive and unnecessarily aggressive use of voice.
  • Sarcasm, raisings one's voice in anger, slyness in speech.

How to Balance:
If you want to balance your Vishuddhi Chakra, place your right hand a few inches in front of its location. Your palm should be facing inward. Once you feel energy flowing through your hand, rotate it around the Chakra in a clockwise direction. Repeat this rotation several times.

To clear your left Vishuddhi, hold a candle flame a few inches away from the intersection of your neck and left shoulder. Move the flame gently and slowly in a clockwise circle around the Chakra.
