Transcending the Illusions of Life
The most important goal of self-realization is to reach a perfect state of balance where we can ascend continually into higher realms of awareness. Sahaja Yoga meditation help us to achieve great heights in our spiritual awareness the benefits of which are reflected in our daily life, family, work and society. It is an important milestone to reach in order to establish a sustainable life for ourselves and our planet Earth.
The greatest challenge to our spiritual ascent is to overcome this transient life, often called the illusory life, which we see as our daily reality. Ancient scriptures describe that all our human experiences in this transitory life, which tosses our awareness back and forth in the duality of excitement or depression, pleasure or pain, gain or loss, are the source of our unhappiness and advise us to follow a path of asceticism and meditation to experience peace and comfort in a higher spiritual consciousness. This explains why many seekers of truth try to renounce the world and escape its chaos by seeking out the seclusion of remote places like the Himalayas, believing that there they will attain nirvana or spiritual liberation. Although a handful of ardent seekers do find enlightenment under the guidance of a self-realized guru, many return disappointed and empty-handed, even after years of a hard ascetic life and rigorous yoga-meditation practice.
Sahaja Yoga meditation does not require a strict ascetic lifestyle or a withdrawal from society. It is best suited for practice as a householder or ordinary citizen living in the midst of society. In fact, the very challenges to our daily lives provide a healthy ground to test our state of ascent which we achieve through Sahaja Yoga meditation practice.
By establishing our self-realization through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we realize our true nature as pure universal spirit. With this awareness, together with the tools that Sahaja Yoga provide us with, we are able to witness the turmoil of life, detach ourselves from identifying so much with problems and obstacles, and see that much of what we think as a “life” is a result of our own self-imposed way of thinking and our expectations, and hence, transitory.

All the treasures of true knowledge of Sahaja Yoga can be found in the thousands of talks given by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Each of these talks help us to discover the beautiful dimensions of our spiritual existence and find proper guidance to grow in this awareness. We recommend our readers to actively go through the various talks which you can find under the Public Program sections as well as the library section.
Here we share one such beautiful talk on Our Spiritual Ascent for deepening our spiritual meditative state.