Her words
Shri Mataji’s legacy to the world includes a library of over 3000 video and audio talks. These talks cover an extensive range of topics related to spirituality and the human condition.

An accomplished author, her most popular work, Meta Modern Era, offers a candid description of the problems of the world today as well as detailed solutions for overcoming them.
The best way to form an impression of Shri Mataji’s vision and experience is to watch or listen to one of her talks. These discourses – long or short, formal or informal, public or personal – were all delivered with her renowned humour and wisdom. Her style is straightforward, and each one revolves around the two principles at the core of her teachings: self-knowledge and the primordial truth of our innate spiritual nature.
Everything is fleeting that is not eternal. In the present, the eternal stays, the rest all drops out. It’s like a moving river which doesn’t stop anywhere, but the moving river is eternal, the rest of the things are all changing. If you are on the eternal principle, all that is not eternal changes and drops out, dissolves, and becomes nonexistent. You have to enjoy the strength of eternity, the strength of divine love, the strength of this universal being that you are.