Mooladhara Chakra

Mooladhara Chakra

Masumiyet ve Bilgelik

Mooladhara iki Sanskritçe kelimeden oluşur: „Kök” anlamına gelen „moola” ve „destek” anlamına gelen „adhara”, böylelikle yaradılışın kökünün desteği anlamına gelir.

Dünyaya masum bebekler olarak geliriz ve bu nedenle çocuklara has özelliğin, içimizde doğuştan var olan bir kişilik özelliği olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Masumiyet, doğallık ve bilgelik bu merkezin tezahürleridir. İçimizdeki ebedi ve yok edilemez nitelikleri temsil eder. Bu nitelikler, Kundalini enerjimiz Mooladhara Çakrayı aktive ettiğinde tüm güçleriyle ortaya çıkar. Bu Çakramız, fiziksel olarak boşaltım ve üreme sistemini yönetir. Ruhani düzeyde ise Mooladhara Çakra, tüm sübtil sistemin temelini oluşturur.

Meditasyon yoluyla geliştikçe, kendimiz ve başkaları için derin bir masumiyet, saygı ve sevgi duygusu deneyimlemeye başlarız. Ayrıca zihnimiz dikkatimizi dağıtan şeylerden arındıkça hafızamızın da muazzam bir şekilde geliştiğini fark ederiz. Bu merkez, içimizde geliştikçe çekici bir kişilik oluşur.

The Mooladhara Chakra is located in the pelvic plexus at the base of our spine. The vibrations of this root Chakra can be felt on the base of our palm.

This Chakra is represented by a coral red color. It is closely aligned with the earth element.

The subtle qualities of Mooladhara Chakra include:

• Innocence
• Purity
• Simplicity
• Childlike joy
• Inner wisdom
• Dignity
• Balance
• Purpose and direction
• Connection to Earth
• Harmony with nature

The lowest center is for our innocence. Our innocence can never be destroyed because it is eternal. Only it can be covered with some clouds. But with the awakening of the Kundalini the innocence comes back to us. Our attention becomes absolutely innocent and there is no lust and greed in our attention.

Experience and Benefits:
A balanced Mooladhara Chakra will help you maintain and expand your inner wisdom. You gain the innate ability to distinguish between right and wrong. When true wisdom prevails, one avoids actions (or inactions) that harm oneself or others.

A balanced Mooladhara Chakra will also lead to improved memory, attention and focus. One is able to make intellectual decisions effectively and efficiently while maintaining emotional balance and stability. Since the Mooladhara Chakra is formed out of the earth element, it plays an important role in connecting our awareness with Mother Nature and we enjoy living a life in complete harmony with her bounties. It also helps us to avoid unnatural or unhealthy lifestyles (those that may be considered “perverse” or “against nature”). An evolved Mooladhara Chakra allows us to understand and respect our own innocence and purity, as well as that of others. When we experience a disturbance on our Mooladhara Chakra, many illnesses may result.

Left channel problems, such as depression or lethargy, can also be prevented by balancing the Mooladhara Chakra. Right channel problems, such as aggressive behaviour, excessive thinking, excessive planning and overindulging may also be eliminated by establishing a proper balance of Mooladhara Chakra.

If your Mooladhara Chakra is out of balance, you may experience a poor sense of direction, poor memory, or a poor sense of balance (gravity). Other symptoms of disruption in this Chakra include excretory problems, sexual disorders and reproductive difficulties.

Reasons for Imbalance:

  • An overloaded amount of mental activity and excessive indulgence in the pleasure of the senses can create a blockage on this center • Negative social influences can also affect the innate qualities innocence and wisdom that is part of our Mooladhara Chakra.

How to Balance:
Regular Sahaja Yoga meditation practice helps to balance our Mooladhara Chakra and strengthen the beautiful innate qualities of this center in our awareness. To begin, you should sit directly on the earth as often as possible. While enjoying a peaceful moment outdoors, you may clear your left Mooladhara Chakra by resting on the ground in a cross-legged fashion. Place both hands on the ground beside your hips, palms facing downward.

If you are unable to spend time outside, there is another option. Soaking your feet in a bowl of lukewarm salted water is also helpful in balancing the Mooladhara Chakra.