Agnya Chakra
The power of Forgiveness
The essence of this Chakra is forgiveness. When we don’t forgive, we truly hurt ourselves by putting this Chakra out of balance. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment, which is not easy before self-realization. By simply saying "I forgive" from a sincere heart, our Kundalini can penetrate this center and suck our attention into the realm of divine silence, allowing us to easily settle into the domain of thoughtless awareness in our meditation.
Through the power of forgiveness, we discover the higher nature of our Spirit – humility, nobility, generosity and unending love and compassion for all. Through meditation, the maturity of an evolved Agnya Chakra dissolves all our ego, conditioning, habits, misconceptions of racism and all our false identifications. It is described in the scriptures as the narrow gate that opens the way for our consciousness to reach its final destination, the seventh center, the Sahasrara Chakra, which symbolizes the purest spiritual realm of existence.
The Agnya Chakra is located in our brain approximately at the junction of our optic nerve fibers (called as optic chiasma in medical terminology) in the center of our forehead. The vibrations of the Agnya Chakra can be felt in our ring fingers on both hands.
The color silver represents the Agnya Chakra. This Chakra is aligned with the essence of light.
Agnya Chakra qualities include:
• Forgiveness
• Compassion
• Humility
• Thoughtless awareness
• Ego and superego

The primary quality of Agnya is forgiveness. It is through the awakening of this Chakra that we develop the ability to forgive others and also ourselves for human shortcomings. The Agnya Chakra is also referred to as “the third eye.” This third eye is not about seeing esoteric images or developing clairvoyant abilities, as many other yoga practitioners claim, but it is about changing the perspective to which we are predominantly accustomed through our mental and emotional biases. The same life that was stressful, often boring or without meaning, becomes full of joy, love and compassion after self-realization and the opening of the Agnya Chakra, as we realize the true purpose of our birth. Neither wealth nor dearth can uplift or disappoint us as we have settled comfortably in the reality of our spiritual nature. Reaching this higher realm helps us understand why Gautama Buddha never felt the need to return to the comfort of his palace after his enlightenment.