Anahata Chakra
Unconditional Love and Fearlessness
The eternal all-pervading Spirit (Atma) first enters the brain at the early stage of human fetus formation. Shri Mataji describes this moment as the first heartbeat that triggers the life force within us and creates a chain of events in which our Kundalini interweaves our subtle body with the development of the physical body. This pulsating heart which develops near the head of the fetus is later pushed down into the chest as our body develops. It resides there as eternally pure and unaffected by any events in our life, just like a spectator witnessing the play of life.
When the Kundalini enlightens this center, we experience a feeling of pure, unconditional love, which is the true nature of our Spirit. A sense of detachment from our worldly life develops as our awareness gets sucked out of the illusions in which we are entangled at the level of Void that envelops the third center. We also become completely fearless once we are free of illusions.
It is from a pure heart that the compassion and love manifests, and also the heart Chakra is the one that gives us the sense of responsibility and benevolent behavior towards others. The heart Chakra also gives us complete security and confidence. Such a personality is very dynamic, charged with vision and purpose in life. A classic example is that of Gandhi whose selfless effort contributed to the independence of India.
The Anahat Chakra is located within our spinal column. It is located approximately at the level of the chest, behind our sternum bone. This center governs the functioning of the cardiac plexus. The vibrations of the Anahat Chakra can be felt in our little fingers on both hands.
The Anahat Chakra is represented by the color red. It is aligned with the essential element of air.
Anahat Chakra qualities include:
• Unconditional love
• Unconditional compassion
• Gracious behavior
• Truth
• Joy
• Confidence
• Absence of fear and sense of security in life
• Positive paternal and maternal relationships

The fundamental quality of the Anahat Chakra is unconditional love. The activation of this Chakra after self-realization enables us to feel confident, self-assured, morally responsible and emotionally well balanced. When the qualities of this subtle center unfold in our awareness, we experience the pure joy of existence. We discover the true purpose of our life and perpetually strive to evolve to higher state of spiritual awareness.