Shri Mataji explained to the seekers how one can actually feel the subtle centers (Chakras) either in the body or in the extremities such as the fingertips on the hands and feet. Depending on the state of our human psyche, one can feel different sensations, from warm, cool, to a physical tingling or heaviness. She patiently decoded each of these sensations that the seekers experienced in her presence to a specific problem that was affecting them on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. She pointed out that this yogic spiritual experience, is very well described in various scriptures of the world, especially in the verses of the Holy Koran.
One may visualize the Chakras as a bundle of tongues of flame or even lotus petals. Each Chakra has a different number of petals corresponding to the number of sub-plexuses within the nervous plexus. The nerve plexuses regulate the flow of information within our body and brain that facilitates a harmonious functioning of our being. They are the root of all of our physical, mental and emotional activities. Thus, each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental and emotional traits. When we experience disorders at the mental, emotional or physical level it is due to a subtle blockage or obstacles in these Chakras.
The peripheral extension of our nervous system coincides with the peripheral extension of our subtle body which enables a one-to-one correlation between the Chakras within the spinal cord and the corresponding extremities on our hands and feet’s. If one knows the correct decoding of these locations in our body and their corresponding subtle centers (Chakras) one can easily master one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. One is no longer separated from the absolute universal reality, but can detach oneself from the illusions of perceived realities through self-knowledge.

The centers in our subtle system not only regulate our physical, mental and emotional well-being, but also help to shape our personality. One can understand them as being a storehouse of our personality traits. As we evolve, mature and grow these personality traits unfold in our life, sometimes consciously and often unconsciously. Think of how often you have had an impulse to help someone or be kind or generous in a given situation. From where do these feelings come from? Ancient Eastern cultures in China and India, which lived using the knowledge of the subtle system, based their societies on the higher values of spiritual life, on Dharma. Dharma in the ancient Sanskrit language means ‘righteous code of conduct’, a code which is in harmony with the universal spirit. A parallel analogy could be drawn to the ten Commandments handed down to Moses. In fact, in many of the ancient world religions, cultures and traditions one can find other examples of this universal inner code of conduct.
Based on the knowledge shared by Shri Mataji the following sections detail each Chakra and highlight the innate personality traits based on the primordial principle of the subtle centers. Some of the qualities of these centers unfold in our human awareness from the time of our birth. The higher subtle qualities of these centers manifest fully after our self-realization through the awakening of the Kundalini.
By using this subtle knowledge of the different centers, we can help ourselves to live in harmony with our innate spiritual nature and our fellow human beings.