Ida Nadi
Desires & Emotions
Our left energy channel (called Ida Nadi in Sanskrit), also known as the moon channel, emerges out of the first centre, Mooladhara Chakra, and travels up the left side of our body, culminating in the right side of our brain, as a balloon.
Shri Mataji describes this balloon as the superego which acts as the storehouse of all our memories, habits and conditionings. It is also steers our moral behaviour which we acquire through our cultural traditions, parental upbringing and peers.
Before self-realization, we experience inhibitions triggered by our superego as a struggle against our egoistic, pleasure-seeking urges.

Joy is an essential quality associated with the left energy channel. However, this joy is not in the sense of being happy or excited about something; this tends to be transient in nature and has the downside of being unhappy or disappointed when things don´t work out the way they were expected to. Rather, this is joy of a purer quality. Shri Mataji describes the attribute of pure joy of our Spirit as something which expresses itself as a natural spontaneous feeling that is not related to our perceptions or expectations. It is of eternal nature and nothing can add or take away this pure feeling of joy. This quality of pure joy of our Spirit spontaneously comes into our awareness after self-realization and can be easily sustained through regular meditation.
Shri Mataji identified a number of problems which come in our life when our left energy channel is blocked. Such a person may experience emotional extremes. This includes moods that shift rapidly from elation to depression and back again. One may also experience lethargy and extreme passivity, often associated to the “couch potato” syndrome.
To summarise, the left energy channel influences our emotions, feelings and desires. It is also connected to our memories and past experiences. As long as our emotions stay at normal levels, we experience a healthy and balanced life. However, when we experience extreme emotions like depression, gloom and brooding, we need to take appropriate action, and here Sahaja Yoga meditation has shown good results, many of which have been successfully investigated in clinical studies.
Shri Mataji has recommended very simple techniques that are easy, safe and by which we can bring our left side into balance and correct the negative effects on our emotional and mental being. Regular meditation, introspection on the state of our vibratory awareness and the application of the techniques shown by Shri Mataji to clear our left side trigger new feelings of joy and a vibrant, positive attitude towards life.