Sahasrara Chakra
The Sahasrara Chakra (meaning, thousand) is located on top of our head and symbolises the culmination of our evolutionary journey as Homo sapiens. The human species, which emerged at the very end of the 4.8 billion years of life on Earth, dominates the entire planet because of one advantage, our brain. What is the purpose of our human life? Is it just to use this brain for some illusory gain of power or money, or even to satisfy our limited scientific curiosity to fathom the mysteries of creation, evolution and the destruction of dead matter in an infinite field of relative space and time? Or is there a higher purpose for our human life that only a few have been able to realize?
Through our Self-Realization, which is triggered by the Kundalini piercing the Brahmarandra (described in Indian scriptures as the opening in the crown of the head) in the limbic area enclosed by the Sahasrara Chakra, our human consciousness enters a new realm of perception and awareness that is beyond our mental activities and thoughts. This Chakra gives us the direct, absolute perception of Reality on our central nervous system and we effortlessly establish a state of doubtless awareness, known as Nirvikalpa samadhi.
The primary quality of the Sahasrara Chakra is integration and a sense of oneness with all elements of the universe. It is through Sahasrara that we experience the connection to the all-pervading spiritual energy, to the absolute Truth. Sahasrara represents our ultimate destination. To fully understand the meaning and purpose of our lives, we need to explore the higher realms of awareness that are part and parcel of the power that created us.
The seventh center integrates the powers and qualities of the entire subtle system, consisting of thousands of Nadis and Chakras. The modus operandi of all Chakras is triggered by the respective seats of the Chakras within the Sahasrara. Just like the brain, which is the control station for our central nervous system where every information is communicated and processed through this super computer, the Sahasrara interacts with the entire subtle system in a similar fashion.

Your Sahasrara Chakra is located within your brain’s limbic system. You may feel the vibrations of the Sahasrara Chakra in the center of your palm.
It is through the Sahasrara Chakra that you are able to connect to the power that created you. Through this, you may discover the meaning of your life. It represents your ultimate destination – the realization of heaven on earth.
Sahasrara Chakra qualities include:
• A sense of “oneness” with the universe (also known as “integration”)
• Thoughtless awareness or mental silence
• Doubtless awareness or awareness of the divine energy

Each of your six main Chakras, from Mooladhara Chakra through to Agnya Chakra, has roots within your brain. When you practice Sahaja Yoga, the Kundalini rises. It passes through each of the six Chakras and settles in the limbic region of your brain. This process is also known as Spiritual Enlightenment.
The Sahasrara Chakra is represented in the hollow space within the limbic area. One thousand nerves surround this space. When the Kundalini energy enters your Sahasrara Chakra through meditation, all these nerves fire in unison. The Kundalini energy then manifests through the top of your head and unites with the Divine Energy of the universe.