Mooladhara Chakra
Innocence and Wisdom
We come into the world as innocent babies, and so we can say that the childlike quality is an innate personality trait within us. Innocence, spontaneity and wisdom are the manifestation of this center. It represents the eternal and indestructible qualities within us. These qualities manifest to their fullest potential when our Kundalini energy activates this Chakra. At a physical level this center governs the excretory and the reproductive system. On a spiritual level our Mooladhara Chakra forms the foundation of the entire subtle system.
As we grow through meditation, we begin to experience a deep sense of innocence, respect and love for ourselves and for others. We also find that our memory improves tremendously as our mind clears itself of irrelevant distractions. As this center evolves within us, we develop a magnetic personality.
The Mooladhara Chakra is located in the pelvic plexus at the base of our spine. The vibrations of this root Chakra can be felt on the base of our palm.
This Chakra is represented by a coral red color. It is closely aligned with the earth element.
The subtle qualities of Mooladhara Chakra include:
• Innocence
• Purity
• Simplicity
• Childlike joy
• Inner wisdom
• Dignity
• Balance
• Purpose and direction
• Connection to Earth
• Harmony with nature